This necklace is made almost entirely with green glass and a little copper. The Forest green glass beads invoke the energy of the forest, the nature spirits and elementals of the Forest, in which the Fairies live. The fairy energy is represented here by the antique copper fairy figure. It’s all about Nature and Mother Earth and your connection with them. The message here is to give love to the self, first, before going out to others. The Pale green of the glass crystal beads, and some very distinct and unusual green rainbow hexagon beads, add to this very special green colour spectrum, the colour of regeneration, healing and abundance. The colour hues are vibrant but at the same time subtle. When we tune into the hidden messages of the colours we are attracted to, we can discern a lot of spiritual and energetic information about what is happening on deeper layers of our spiritual and vibrational existence. The Copper is a really lovely contrast to the green while, as a metal, it acts as a strong conductor and, is said to facilitate the pulling of high vibrational energy from the upper realms into the physical body. This bespoke necklace has 108 beads and is made almost entirely with green glass and a little copper. Green, the colour of regeneration, healing and abundance. The green beads invoke the energy of the Forest, the nature spirits and elementals of the Forest, in which the Fairies live. The fairy is symbolized by the large antique copper fairy pendant charm. It’s about Nature and your connection with it, the forest, and the fairies in particular. The Colour message here is to give love to the self, first, before going out to others. The Pale green of the glass crystal beads, and some very distinct and unusual green rainbow hexagon beads, add to this very special green energy spectrum, the colour hues are energetically vibrant but at the same time subtle. While Copper, as a metal, is a very strong conductor of energy and pulls higher vibrations into the physical body; having the ability to conduct and focus energy from the upper realms into the Earth. Zodiac Sign of Taurus the Earthy Emerald Green Devoted and patient. Drop length 38cms (Total length 76cms) + Pendant drop of 14cms. 62gms.
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SKU: JPM00003
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